These resources have been developed to help Canadians make healthy food choices.
Recipes and videos: A set of 13 simple recipes with 8 short videos to help people make healthy lifestyle changes.
Kitchen Hacks Video: A short video sharing some tips on making healthy food that tastes great.
Eating the Mediterranean Way: A checklist which provides recommended eating behaviours to practice daily and weekly.
Metabolic Syndrome Component factsheets: A series of handouts on recommended lifestyle changes for different features of metabolic syndrome.
How much is in your coffee: A chart listing the varying amounts of sugar, saturated fat, and calories in different sizes and ways people choose to take their coffee.
Nuts: A handout on including nuts in a healthy diet, with tips for buying, storing, and using nuts.
Dietary Care Map: A visual overview of an evidence-based decision-making process for dietitians counselling patients with metabolic syndrome
Who are they for?
These resources have been developed for Canadians trying to make healthy changes in their eating habits to prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. One in five Canadians has metabolic syndrome, which increases to almost 1 in 2 Canadians over the age of 60. Healthy lifestyle changes can make a difference. These resources can assist people in making dietary changes in line with the latest evidence.
Registered Dietitians and nutrition educators will also find this information helpful.
Why were they created?
These resources were developed for participants in the CHANGE (Canadian Health Advanced by Nutrition and Graded Exercise) Program and for those wanting to improve their eating patterns to reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases.
These resources were created by Metabolic Syndrome Canada in collaboration with experts in nutrition research and registered dietitians from the CHANGE Program with funding from Helderleigh Foundation. The Food Innovation and Research Studio (FIRSt), George Brown College in Toronto assisted with the creation of the recipes and videos. Click here for more details about this project.
The CHANGE program is aimed at reducing the risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases through healthy eating and physical activity. Participants in the CHANGE Program are followed by their family doctor, Registered Dietitian and an exercise specialist for individualized assessment and counselling.
Instructions for use
All of these resources can be viewed and downloaded for personal use.
A toolkit for use by Registered Dietitians participating in the CHANGE Program is available from Metabolic Syndrome Canada.