Dr. Caroline Rhéaume
Family Medicine, Physiology-Endocrinology, Kinesiology Université Laval
Dr. Caroline Rhéaume is a primary care physician, assistant professor and clinical researcher at Laval University. She also holds a bachelor in Kinesiology (1996), a master degree (1998) and a Ph.D. (2003) in Physiology-Endocrinology. During her Ph.D. studies, she received financial support from Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada and Medical Council of Research Canada (HSFC-MRC), as well as from “FCAR-FRSQ Santé”. Alongside her research and medical training, she has conducted international workshops, including a post-doc in hypertension in Lausanne, Switzerland (2005).
She practices as a family physician at Family Medicine Unit Laval and she is responsible of the research project of family medicine residents. Her role as a clinical teacher allows her to apply new knowledge from her research projects to the clinical practice of future family physicians regarding hypertension and cardiovascular prevention. In 2008, as a clinical researcher, she joined the cardiology axis of the Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec (CRIUCPQ). Her main research interests focus on the prevention of cardiovascular disease in primary care.