Dr. Paula Brauer
Dietetics, Epidemiology, University of Guelph
Dr. Paula Brauer is on the faculty in the Applied Human Nutrition program of the Department of Family Relations and Applied Nutrition, with adjunct status in the Dept Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences, University of Guelph. Her research focuses on development and testing of new strategies to improve effectiveness of clinical nutrition services for treatment of obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and dyslipidemia, with a current focus on primary health care.
Dr. Brauer is the Chair (2000-present) of a dietitian advocacy group focused on primary health care and serves on a provincial advisory committee for Family Health Teams, a multi-disciplinary primary care model. She has been active in the national association, serving on the Board of Dietitians of Canada, the national registration examination committee and as editor of the Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research. She was recognized in 2003 by Dietitians of Canada with their highest award for leadership and innovation.
Dr. Bauer is working with Dr. Lorian Taylor, a dietitian working with Alberta Health Services, to train and support the dietitians involved in the CHANGE study.