How the CHANGE Program Works

The CHANGE Program uses a team approach led by your family doctor with the active support and expertise of a dietitian and kinesiologist.

Here are the five stages you will progress through when you adopt the CHANGE Program.

The CHANGE Program Process1. Assessment — As part of a regular check-up, your doctor assesses your eligibility for the program and conducts some initial screening, including standard blood work for cholesterol and sugar levels.

2. Start — At a second appointment, your doctor will review your blood work results and discuss your readiness to participate. Once you commit to the program, one-on-one appointments are scheduled with a dietitian and kinesiologist to assess your current nutrition and exercise level, preferences and to help you develop program goals for the next 12 months.

3. The first 3 months — For the first three months of the program, you meet weekly with your dietitian and kinesiologist to monitor your progress, adjust your program if necessary, and get the support you need to meet your goals.

4. The final 9 months — Monthly check-ins with your dietitian and kinesiologist to track how you’re doing and answer any questions you have, plus an appointment with your family doctor every three months to review blood test results and discuss how your health is improving.

5. The finish line and beyond — At the end of the 12-month CHANGE Program, your dietitian and kinesiologist will summarize how your nutrition and fitness levels have improved, and your family doctor will again measure your blood test results. Of course, as you continue in your new lifestyle, your family doctor remains your primary source for managing your health.

Throughout the year, your team of health professionals work together to ensure all aspects of the program are meeting your needs.

Your family doctor can tell you whether the CHANGE Program is right for you.

Contact us to receive updates on program availability in your area.